connecting with nature through stone
Riverbend Studio is open Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 4 :00 pm to view on hand sculptures and get a personal tour of the artists' workshop.
Please call 705 740 0008 or email nleniuk@cogeco.ca for an appointment.
We are located at 831 Crowley Cres. Peterborough Ontario
Applicable Covid safety measures are in place

These interesting creations are a result of letting my imagination run free..... like some people, I see images appear in unusual settings. When I see them, I make a quick pencil sketch and take a picture. Out of what looks to be a pot pourri of shapes, mystical, spiritual and sometimes whimsical animals and characters reveal themselves to me. One of my favourite places to spot these elusive gems is on the top of my morning coffee where the cream has settled in fantastical patterns after hours of neglect.

Serpentine - 2015 This carving depicts the ancient struggle between the love a Mother has for her child and the child's natural urge to become an independent person.

2016 - Soapstone A depiction of an individual trying to reach out and catch the mysterious wonder and power of the moon.

2016- Soapstone A 'coffee' swirl creation of mine - love how the interior eyes of the owl, if you look closely and imagine a bit, look like the heads of cats....

Soapstone - 2016 One of my famous 'coffee' images..... when I let my coffee sit it often settles in to weird and wonderful shapes in which images appear to me. This is a statement of how we often are always re assessing who and what we are.

Serpentine - 2014 Saw this image in a mild swirl on the top of my morning coffee. To me it represents several animal spirits, led by a stylized Spirit Bird.

Serpentine - 2015 Love this image depicting the struggle between Mother and Child as they grow up and apart.....

Soapstone - 2015 A coffee swirl image I saw... a polar bear on hind legs; far away from home and yearning for familiarity and comfort. I added the snake in the bears' hind quarters as an animal spirit lending support and strength.

Soapstone - 2016 Another of my weird coffee creations... the stylized head of a human like creature with a person floating inside. To me this carving depicts our constant struggle to free our true inner selves.